Spinal Cord Injury NL https://sci-nl.ca/2019/02/13/spinal-cord-injury-nl-working-2-walk-science-and-advocacy-symposium/
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Join SCI NL’s Peer Group on Facebook!

Spinal Cord Injury NL’s Peer Group is a closed group on Facebook  where individuals with Spinal Cord Injuries or other mobility disabilities can ask questions, share answers or experiences they had. This is a great way to connect with others going through similar situations and to support one another. To sign up head on over […]

KFC Peer Grub Club Sponsorship & Membership Discount

Spinal Cord Injury Newfoundland and Labrador is delighted to announce a new partnership with KFC in Newfoundland and Labrador. KFC has come forward to sponsor our next 36 Peer Grub Club meetings (effectively 3 years) by supplying their famous Chicken and French Fries for the individuals in attendance. On top of their already generous sponsorship […]

Peer Reach Out Program

Are you an individual with a spinal cord injury or significant mobility impairment who lives in a rural area and is unable to connect with resources that would help improve your quality of life? Spinal Cord Injury Newfoundland and Labrador’s Peer Reach Out Program presents a unique opportunity to connect with those outside the normal […]

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News from SCI NL

Stay connected with the world of SCI by visiting our webpage regularly for news & event updates, joining us on Facebook.

Spinal Cord Injury Foundation Ticket Lottery Update
March 25, 2020

Peer Grub Club Donation
February 3, 2020

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Accessibility Roadmap

The Spinal Cord Injury Newfoundland and Labrador Accessibility Roadmap is a tool designed to assist individuals with a spinal cord injury or significant mobility impairment identify accessible locations while travelling across the island of Newfoundland and Labrador.

Visit the Roadmap

Got Stuff!

Visit the SCI-NL Swap N Shop!

The Swap N Shop is intended for the purpose of buying, selling or trading equipment, wheelchairs, lift equipped vehicles and other related items.

Visit the Swap N Shop

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