Spinal Cord Injury NL Online Auction Moose and Caribou Tufting
Posted by Michael Burry in News on May 29, 2017
Spinal Cord Injury is proud to offer this amazing piece of Newfoundland and Labrador culture donated to us by the artist Terry Smith for Auction. The Tufting has been appraised in 2014 at approx. $2400. We are taking bids on this wonderful piece of art to raise much needed funds for our organization’s programs and services that help individuals with a Spinal Cord Injury or significant mobility impairment achieve independence, self-reliance and full community participation.
The auction will be open from May 20th, 2017 until 12:00PM June 20th, 2017. There is a $1000 reserve on the item. If you are interesting in owning this fine piece of Newfoundland and Labrador culture, we encourage you to place a bid in the comment section of the post on our
FaceBook. If you are not but you are aware of others who would be interested, please share this post. Thank you in advance for your support and happy bidding.